b'3013 3014 3015 3016301730183006.Regimentalstein,.5L,12.1"ht.,porcelain,3.3013.Regimentalstein,.5L,10.2"ht.,stoneware, Batt., Feld Artl. Regt. Nr. 66, Neubreisach, 1907 -Masch.Gewehr.Komp.d.2.bayr.Inft.Regt., 1909,foursidescenes,roster,griffinthumblift,Mnchen, 1911 - 1913, four side scenes, roster, lion named to: Reservist Wursthorn, mint.thumblift, named to: Schmid Schaffner [blacksmith], 3007.Regimentalstein,.5L,porcelain,Jugendwehrinrepaired pewter strap & shank, replacement finial, Berlin [founded in 1896, provided military training tosmall chips on handle. youths aged 14 to 20], named to: Richard Graf, Zum3014.Regimental stein, .5L, 9.1" ht., porcelain, 2. Co., Geburtstage den 4. Dezbr. 1910, gewidmet von denbayr. Bekl. Amt. 2. A.K., Wrzburg, 1908 - 1910, Kameraden , lion thumblift horse and rider thum- two side scenes, roster, lion thumblift, named to: blift, very rare, pewter strap repaired, body mint.Reserv. Grass, prism lid, mint. 3008.Regimental stein, .5L, 11.0" ht., pottery, 3. Esk.,3015.Regimental stein, .5L, 11.1\'\' ht., pottery, 1. Esk., 2. Ulanen Regt. Nr. 14, St. Avold, 1898 - 1901, twoGarde Dragoner Regt., Berlin, 1907 - 1910, two side scenes, roster, eagle thumblift, named to: Res.side scenes, eagle thumblift, roster, named to: Gefr. Witker, mint.Willi Brggemann, mint. 3009.Military stein, .5L, porcelain, 7. Komp., Inft, Regt.3016.Regimentalstein,.5L,10.5"ht.,porcelain,2. 18,Mnster,4.MilitarLehrschmiede,Mnchen,Battr., Feld Artl. Regt. Nr. 35, Graudenz, Zum And. 1.4 - 30.9, 1930, pewter lid, mint.v.m. Bruder Heinrich, 1906, two side scenes, min-3010.Regimentalstein,.5L,11.5"ht.,porcelain,1.ing scene in rear, eagle thumblift, named to: Aug. Esks., Drag. Regt. Nr. 26, Stuttgart, 1901 - 1904,Aehringhaus,rareunit,excellentrepairofsmall twosidescenes,roster,Wrttembergthumblift,line at top rim. named to: Gefreiter Retzbach, mint.3017.Regimentalstein,.5L,10.5\'\'ht.,porcelain,3. 3011.Regimentalstein,.5L,11.7"ht.,porcelain,7.Battr.,3.GardeFeldArtl.Regt.,Berlin,1901- Comp., bayr. Inft. Regt. Nr. 4, Metz, 1912 - 1914,1903,twosidescenes,roster,eaglethumblift, four side scenes, roster, lion thumblift, named to:named to: Reservist Baule, faint lithophane lines, Reservist Schtz, double screw-off lid with a prismroughness on edge of lid. underneath & a coin holder, visible stanhope scene,3018.Regimentalstein,.5L,10.8\'\'ht.,porcelain,Inft. slight pewter tear is still strong, otherwise mint.Regt.Nr.152,Osterode,1907-1909,twoside 3012.Regimentalstein,.5L,10.9"ht.,porcelain,8.scenes, eagle thumblift, named to: Piotr Kowalska, Comp., Inft. Regt. Nr. 180, Schw. Gmnd, 1904 -rareunit,locatedinPoland,pewterlidwaspol-1906, two side scenes, roster, Wrttemberg thum- ished, minimal paint touch up of word wear. blift, named to: Tambour Gefr. Seitz, mint. Every item is illustrated in color on our website,with many additional side views.'