b'3208 32093210 3211 32123213 32143215 3216 3217 3218321932203208.Mettlachstein,.5L,3244,decoratedrelief,Art3212.Mettlach stein, .5L, parian ware, Schtzen scene, Deco, inlaid lid, mint.inlaidlid:DeutschesSchtzenfestzuFrankfurt 3209.Mettlachstein,.5L,5013,hand-painted,Arta.M., July 1862, pewter tear, otherwise mint. Nouveau, pewter lid, very good repair of a small chip.3213.Mettlach stein, .5L, 1526, hand-painted, Munich 3210.Mettlachstein,.5L,2903,etched, ArtNouveau,Child, pewter lid, mint. original pewter lid, mint.3214.Villeroy&BochDresdenbeaker,.5L,PUG, 3211.Mettlach stein, .5L, 728, parian ware, inlaid lid, veryJger, rare, 2" hairline on the side.good pewter repair, thumblift reattached, body mint. 32213222 3223 3224'