b'4095.Potterystein,1.0L,transfer&hand-painted, Occupational Eisenbahn [Railway], 25th Anniversary, 1900, pewter lid, excel-lent pewter strap repair, flake. 4096.Porcelain stein, 1.0L, transfer & hand-painted,OccupationPostillon[Post CoachDriver],Augsburg1926,large size, pewter lid, good handle repair. 4097.Porcelain stein, 1.0L, transfer & hand-painted, Occupational Kserei [Cheese Maker],pewterlid,lineinlithophane, otherwise mint. 4098.Porcelainstein,.5L,8.3"ht.,relief hand-painted,markedNwithCrown, Capo-di-Monte,porcelainlid,helmet 409840994100finial repaired. 4099.Porcelainstein,.5L,8.4"ht.,hand-painted relief, Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, set-on lid, very good repair to one ear on finial. 4100.Porcelainstein,.5L,7.5"ht.,hand-painted relief, Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, inlaid lid, very good pewter repair, otherwise mint. 4101.Porcelainstein,.5L,6.6"ht.,hand-painted relief, Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, porcelain lid, mint. 4102.Porcelainstein,1.0L,9.7"ht.,hand-painted relief, Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, porcelain lid, mint. 4103.Porcelainstein,.7L,11.5"ht.,hand-painted relief, Capo-di-Monte, marked N withcrown,porcelainlid,finialleg break partially repaired. 4101 4102 4103MINIATURES MINIATURES 4104 41054106 410741084104.Three stoneware items, stein, 4.6" ht., transfer &4106.Two porcelain stein, .25L, 4.9" ht., transfer, Gruss hand-painted, Munich Child, pewter lid; with, 4.5"ausGotha,SchlossbergandGrussausKassel, ht., marked B.T.M., Munich Child, pewter lid, mint;NeuesRathaus,pewterlids,firsthaslithophane with, beaker, 3.6" ht., by F. Ringer, 2" hairline.lines, otherwise mint. 4105.Porcelainstein,4.3"ht.,transfer,Andenkenan4107.Porcelain stein, 4.9" ht., transfer, Munster scene, Bad-Reichenhall, metal lid, mint.pewter lid, mint. 4108.Stoneware stein, 4.1" ht., incised, blue salt glaze, HB, matching relief pewter lid, mint.'