b"4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 40614062406340644065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071407240734074 407540764056.Third Reich stein, .5L, pottery, cavalry, pewter lid4062.Third Reich stein, .5L, stoneware, Feld Bckerei, withreliefhelmetwithswastika,alittlewear&Komp. 631, 1939, pewter lid, very good strap repair, pewter tear in rear of lid.body mint. 4057.Third Reich stein, .5L, stoneware, L. Sch. Btl. 529,4063.ThirdReichstein,.5L,Flieger-Horstkompanie 1940, metal lid, strap repaired, body mint.Frth i.B. 1936, pewter lid with relief helmet with 4058.Third Reich stein, .5L, pottery, Sanitts Abteilungswastika, pewter strap repaired, body mint. 23, Sanittsstaffel, Dberitz, pewter lid with relief4064.Third Reich stein, .5L, pottery, Dem scheidenden Caduceus, owner's name on lid, mint.Kameraden, inscription on metal lid: III. A.R. 16, 4059.ThirdReichstein,.5L,porcelain,Unteroffz.1926 - 1938, owner's name, some scratches on lid, Korps,Zerstr.Geschwader,52,1.F.B.K.,1941,small area worn in front. metal lid, rare scene, excellent pewter strap repair,4065.Third Reich stein, .5L, stoneware, 4. Komp. 100. body mint.Geb.JgerRegt.Nachrichtenzug,Brannenburg, 4060.Third Reich stein, .5L, pottery, 12. [M.G.] Komp.1938 - 1940, owner's name, pewter lid with relief Inft. Regt. Lbeck, owner's name, pewter lid withhelmet with swastika, mint. relief helmet with swastika, mint.4066.ThirdReichstein,.5L,pottery,M.G.scene, 4061.Third Reich stein, .5L, stoneware, 5. Komp. Geb.pewterlidwithfiguralhelmetwithswastika Jger Ers. Btl. 90, Sonthofen 1./Allg., 1940, metalinscription,Bayreuth,I.R.42,smalldentonlid, lid, mint.body mint."